What is the Strengthening Families Programme?

Our Strengthening Families Programme provides intensive support to families with additional support needs during and after pregnancy to improve health outcomes and safeguard children.

The programme uses the internationally recognised Family Partnership Model to help parents achieve the very best outcomes for their children.

The Strengthening Families' practitioners are Health Visitors specially trained in using the model in partnership with parents.

The team are there to help parents to be the best they can to meet the physical, social, and emotional needs of their child. This is done by developing effective partnerships with parents, using a structured and flexible relational, goal-orientated approach.

The Strengthening Families Programme is currently available to first-time parents who have additional support needs. Families will be supported by the programme for the first year of the child’s life (though may be offered up to the child's 2nd year, if required).

The programme is available for first time parent/s from 26 weeks of pregnancy who require additional support due to any of the following criteria:

  • Teenage parent (under 18 years of age).
  • Domestic violence and abuse posing current risk or impact (including intimate partner violence, forced marriage, honour-based violence).
  • Parental history of safeguarding issues (Looked After Child, gang affiliation, sexual exploitation, adverse childhood experiences) posing current risk or impact.
  • A parent with a learning disabilities or complex medical needs posing current risk or impact.
  • A parent with moderate to severe mental health concerns which are posing a current risk or impact (a recent PHQ9 assessment score will be required).
  • Alcohol and substance misuse posing current risk or impact.

This programme is not suitable for:

  • Families who are likely to move out of Greenwich in the next 6 months
  • Families who are currently being supported by Childrens Social Care (unless leaving care)

Referrals need to be made by any relevant professional / agency, including:

  • Perinatal Mental Health teams
  • Maternity services
  • Safeguarding children teams / MASH
  • General Practitioners
  • Liaison Health Visitor/ Specialist Health Visitors
  • Universal Health Visiting teams
  • Children centre / Early help

Referrals need to be made before the 26 weeks of pregnancy, using the Strengthening Families referral form.

Please email all referral forms to:


If you feel that you would benefit from this service, please discuss this with your healthcare practitioner and they will make the relevant referral on your behalf.

For more information, please view the Strengthening Families Programme leaflet