To support you during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have put together a list of resources to aid you, your family and your baby’s health and development.

Greenwich Women’s Aid - If you are in imminent danger, ring the police on 999. If you call 999 and can't talk, press 5 twice and the police will act. To get help from Women’s Aid email or contact us via the website: 

  • Food banks
  • Healthy Start vouchers - If you are pregnant or have a child under four years old you could get Healthy Start vouchers to help buy some basic foods. This important means-tested scheme provides vouchers to spend with local retailers. Pregnant women and children over one and under four years old can get one £3.10 voucher per week. Children under one year old can get two £3.10 vouchers (£6.20) per week. Find out more at:
  • Healthy Start Vitamins - Pregnant women, women with a baby under one year old and children aged up to their fourth birthday on Healthy Start, will get green Healthy Start vitamin coupons. These will be sent to you, with your Healthy Start vouchers, every eight weeks. The Children’s Centres are currently closed and they will now be delivered to your home.

If you wish to speak to a member of the health visiting team please email: leaving your contact telephone number, and we will get back to you during the working hours of Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) between 9 and 5.